
The Medium is the Message - Unedited

My train ride from Kaohsiung City to Hualien. About 4 hours long for about $17 CAD. 
Mostly crops of rice, bananas, sugar cane and citrus fruits. Some industry and some tourism.

Reflecting on City life.

"The Eye of the Future" - Chen Ming-Huei, 2009
Reflecting Central Park, Kaohsiung City 

The MRT, ( Mass Rapid Transit). 
Underground transit entrance. The middle section of the lifts is a water feature. The large and cheerful sunflowers welcome you to the park as you arrive from the underground. 
Located to the left of "The Eye" in central park. 

Elroy, an abandoned cat that my friends Angus & Michelle adopted. I was looking after him for a few days.
Bit of a firecracker that one. 

These bikes line the Love River and Central Park. You rent them with your credit card and bring them back to a designated location when you are finished.  

Small gardens with potted plants and water pools line the streets here. This one has wee fish in it.