
Neither here nor there, but everywhere.

Rarely a day goes by I don't have my camera on me. 
When I must leave it to charge or dare I forget it, inevitably I see something I know I have missed. 
These are some snaps from just being out and about. 

The 85, Kaohsiung's land mark.

Smooth sailing. 

 Went to my first Taiwanese baseball game. The crowd was as loud at the soccer crowds in S.A. this past summer. Definitely got the atmosphere charged.  

 We one, 10 -4.

I couldn't actually tell you who exactly "we" was. 

 Or who "we" were playing against (other than that they were green).

 But the post game fire works were f'amazing!

 Me: This is better than Canada Day!
Tina: In Ottawa!

 Afternoon nap in the shade.

 Sweet Taiwanese hipsters. They love getting their picture taken.

 Here a chair, there a chair.


The Constant Sweet, The Sugar Beats

As I have now found a job, a private tutor, Chinese lessons and a new apartment in the art district, my photography is limited mostly to the weekends. But, I promise to diligently be doing something fun and picture-worthy every weekend! Anything else would just a waste in this splendid country!
In this post: I did a short day trip up north on Kaohsiung's MRT (Mass Rapid Transit) to visit the the small village area of Ciatou and tour the art gallery that is in an old sugar factory. 

A magical marching band on Sunday afternoon. 

"Grampy, too loud!"  

Announcing the cause.  

A regular dinner out in Taiwan is a major photo op, so a giant field of blooming sunflowers brings hoards of the trigger happy. 

Dear Van Gogh, we have them here too. 

Cute darlings! 

One of my favourite little guys - the honey bee. 

 3 generation family outing. 

 An outdoor sculpture.

 A missile on a roof top of mussels.

An old war bunker.

Water towers and a church roof.

A giant processing plant. I saw this on the way there and thought 'I must get a shot of that.' It contributes to the very dense pollutionosphere that engulfs Kaohsiung. 


We packed our bags lightly and caught the 6 a.m. train to the east coast of Taiwan.

Michelle and I woke up early Saturday morning and headed out with our bikes for the long weekend.We took the train 3.5h from Kaohsiung to the town of Taitong.

These bunkers are from WW2.

They are now painted and door-less leaving them with an air of indifference.  

 Michelle's fuel - Tofu burg with fries and a Coke!
My fuel - fish burg avec tater tots!

The ocean in the background.

 My tent set up in the shade.

 Good morning! My view around 7:00 a.m.

 Michelle still sleeping. 

The rock pools were where I preferred to swim. The water was warm, calm and inviting.
In this photo, the tinge of red on the left by the shore is a Buddhist temple, in front of it is a spawning ground for fish.
 Cute weedle crab.

 Washed up coral.

 The waves made an amazing thunderous cacophony all night long.