
TAIPEI | getting there, getting around | Saturday

I work until noon on Saturday mornings. At 1:30 I took the high-speed rail from Kaohsiung to Taipei City. I traveled 250 km with the highest speed reaching 297km/hour. It took 1.5 hours with 2 stops and cost $1500NT, or about $45 CAD for one way. 

 711 peanut butter and jam sammich.

Country side.

Fire side.

 Taipei Main Station - a hub for transit including the HSR, the MRT, buses and snail trains.

 My map of the city and my Easy Card loaded with $400NT and ready to see the city!

 It feels like there are way more people in Taipei than Kaohsiung. 2,618,772 people or 9,560 persons per square kilometer.  I think the two cities are similar in size but Taipei has way more people coming in for the work day.

 The Weekend Flower Market. I knew I was close when I saw people walking down the street carrying 6 foot tall trees.

 Ceramics at the market.

 Chopstick rests.

 Da'an Park: roller blade lessons, karaoke, water park, the usual Taiwan randomness.

View from the Palace Museum. "A visual feast of 5,000 years of traditional Chinese art, with a rich concentration of architecture and artifacts from the Ming and Qing imperial courts."
I was lucky to have Michelle H., a local art historian tour me around and enlighten me. She didn't even seem to mind my many questions. 

 I snapped one picture before being told, "No pictures." Opps. 
A miniature carving in wood. 

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