
We packed our bags lightly and caught the 6 a.m. train to the east coast of Taiwan.

Michelle and I woke up early Saturday morning and headed out with our bikes for the long weekend.We took the train 3.5h from Kaohsiung to the town of Taitong.

These bunkers are from WW2.

They are now painted and door-less leaving them with an air of indifference.  

 Michelle's fuel - Tofu burg with fries and a Coke!
My fuel - fish burg avec tater tots!

The ocean in the background.

 My tent set up in the shade.

 Good morning! My view around 7:00 a.m.

 Michelle still sleeping. 

The rock pools were where I preferred to swim. The water was warm, calm and inviting.
In this photo, the tinge of red on the left by the shore is a Buddhist temple, in front of it is a spawning ground for fish.
 Cute weedle crab.

 Washed up coral.

 The waves made an amazing thunderous cacophony all night long. 


  1. Amazing pics Maeve! :)

    - Laura Poole

  2. Your tent looks comfy, and the sweet Giant touring bike... well, it is sweet, I already established that.
