
KenDing Weekend Trip | August 20 2011

A group of us taxied down to Kending to eat some food, scoot around and take in the night life.

Ka Wa Bung Ga!  

Raymond and Terry.  

 Me scootin with Hannah. 


Ok, so this is a lovely little lane but, the story here is really that scooter coming towards me
has a ten year old girl on the back of it. About 15 minutes later, I am driving on the highway
and I see these two again, only the ten year old is driving! 

Dogs be chillin.  

 KenTing beach. People and their beach toys! 

I spy with my little eye something that is spiritual!

Don't tell my mother...

I got a new puppy! Named him Happy Panda!

Nantou | Oolong Tea Plantation | July 24 2011

Our bus, fully equipped with karaoke for a 9 am rock out session.
The tea collecting baskets. 

Mr Yang, my friend who organized the trip of about 40 people. 
He was shocked at my dress and flip-flops. Clearly he is ready for some real hiking! 

The tea.

Cilin Lake

Orange moss, green tea. 

Pruning the shoots to get more usable leaves. 
Only the first 3 leaves are ever picked for tea. 

 She is sorting the highest quality leaves from the lower.

 Lucky kitty watches over the temple. 

 Old pots that were once used to pickle vegetables. 

Huge coy. Maybe 24" long. 

In the mirror you can see the our group walking up the hill. 

Workers hats and the one with the horizontal lines is actually an old rain jacket.